CureMD is an award winning provider of EHR, Practice Management, Patient Portal and Medical Billing Services, designed to optimize outcomes, quality and returns.

Why CureMD?

CureMD SMART Cloud is the most adaptable, accessible and affordable solution available today. It is the only true all-in-one EHR solution today that is tailored for over 35 specialties.

Is CureMD a true Cloud system?

Unlike other systems CureMD is a Cloud system which does not require costly installations and can be accessed with just an internet browser. CureMD does not require new computers, software licenses, servers or maintenance.

"Will CureMD make my office paperless?"

Yes. CureMD is designed to eliminate paper by providing state-of-the-art electronic documentation and imaging functionalities. With CureMD, all your paper documents can be scanned and electronically stored from an easy-to-use interface.

How much time does it take to get the CureMD EHR system started?

Typically, the Go-Live date for small to medium practices is between 4-6 weeks after the kick-off call. For larger practices, the Go-Live date takes between 8-10 weeks after the kick-off call. This timeline is dependent upon the size and scope of the project.

Do I need new computers to use CureMD?

All you need is a web browser and internet to use CureMD. All your old computers can work since CureMD does not require computers for local installation.

Is CureMD certified?

CureMD is certified for Meaningful Use, CCHIT certified as a comprehensive EMR. CureMD is also Sure Scripts Gold Certified for electronic prescribing, ISO 9001:2000 certified for quality operations and ISO 270001:2005 certified for information security. View certifications

Is CureMD prepared for ICD-10?

CureMD is ICD-10 ready and offers extended support and consulting to help you migrate to the new ICD-10 coding standard.

Is CureMD specialty-specific? Which specialties are supported?

CureMD provides specialty content and features for over 30 specialties View specialties.

Which formats of paper and electronic insurances are supported by CureMD?

For paper, we use the HCFA-1500 Form and for electronic, we use the ANSI X12-5010 Form.

Is there a limit to the number of users I can have in my practice?

We employ a fair usage policy of having up to 5 free users per paying provider. Additional users are only charged at $100/user per month.

What is the required initial investment?

CureMD require no servers to purchase, no software to buy, no IT guys to pay, so the up-front cost of setup and implementation is a fraction of typical client server solutions.

How do you determine prices? Is it per-practice, per-user, or per-provider?

Monthly subscription fee is charged on a per-provider basis.

Which clearing house features are provided by CureMD?

CureMD provides real-time eligibility, electronic claims submission, claim status and electronic remittance advice.

What forms of payment are acceptable?

Acceptable Forms of Payment include:

  1. ACH Authorization (preferred form of payment)
  2. Check, American express, Visa, Master card and Discover

When does the subscription payment start?

Just like other Cloud services, subscription payment starts as soon as soon as you complete the implementation portal.

How do I review the Terms of Service?

You can review it any time by clicking at www.curemd.com/lsa.pdf

What does the monthly subscription fee cover?

Subscription fee covers software, hosting, maintenance, back-up and support.

How much does CureMD cost?

A number of variables determine the cost, which includes onetime set-up fee and monthly subscription cost.View pricing.

For a new practice:

We are a new medical practice and are concerned about the level of service we can expect?

Customer care is our core mission. We are proud to maintain the highest customer retention rate in the industry. View independent customer rating report.

Will I be saving more money by billing in-house?

In-house billing can cost more when you consider all the overheads including salaries, benefits, hardware, software and ongoing training costs.

For a practice with In-house billing:

Does outsourcing billing cost more? Shouldn’t I keep my billing in-house?

Many practices fall victim to this stereotype and become the prey of exorbitant costs they need to muster up to get the practice going with in-house billing.

How much I can save by using CureMD Medical Billing Services?

Save close to $34,000 per year

Initial Investment
Hardware/Software/Training $18,000
In-House Medical Billing Service
Annual Salary $32,000
Overheads $22,300
Total $54,300
Medical Billing Services at 5% of collections for $400,000 $20,000
Savings $34,300

If I use CureMD Billing Service, will I need to let go of my current staff?

Most practices realign staff to focus on better coordination to optimize patient volume, satisfaction and loyalty.

How long does it take to implement CureMD?

Typically, implementation takes between four to six weeks between sign-on and go-live. Depending on the size of the practice, our cloud-based software makes the transition smooth to avoid business disruption. The implementation time is significantly shorter and less expensive than client-server models, which require installing hardware, software and days of training.

How much training is provided?

CureMD is so intuitive and user-friendly that most people are able to start using very quickly. Typically five online training sessions are provided per provider in addition to CureMD e-Learning center that delivers on demand training in the most efficient manner.

What kind of support can I expect during set-up and training phase?

On-site and over-the-phone support is provided during the set-up phase. A dedicated implementation specialist will work with you to set-up your preferences, train your users as well as introduce you to a self-service e-learning tools.

What about data migration?

CureMD can extract and migrate much of your existing data, including, but not limited to elements such as patient demographics, insurance information, referring provider profiles, future patient appointments and fee schedules.

What are your support hours?

CureMD provides phone support between 8:30 AM – 8:30 PM EST M-F, excluding holidays.

What are your response times if I have a problem?

All users have access to phone support during normal business hours, hence, customer support is just a call away. The response times, depend upon the nature and severity of the problem such as:

Severity Description Response Time Resolution
Critical Critical/Show stopper. System cannot function or suggested alternative has drastic impact on the productivity. 1 Hour 4 Hours
Medium Minor error. System can function. Clear work around available. 4 Hours 2 Days
Low Functional Enhancement 5 Days Next Upgrade Release

Who will be responsible for the installation, support, and on-going maintenance?

CureMD directly provides all the services and support without third party involvement except when value added resellers are deployed for on-site services.

What are the different options of implementation?

CureMD offers three implementation models - On Demand, On Premise and Enterprise. Each of these models requires minimum investment and training - rising above cost and complexity barriers to accelerate adoption.

1. On Demand - SMART Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS)

On demand subscription includes hosting, support, upgrades, maintenance, security and business continuity services, eliminating the need for upfront expenditure on software, hardware and ongoing IT administration.

Practices requiring high performance solutions can depend on the On-Demand SMART cloud subscription for round-the-clock access, hassle-free maintenance, free upgrades and disaster recovery.

2. On Premise - Client Hosted

Medium to large practices with IT staff can keep their own server with CureMD software installed for local and remote access - keeping data in their own office with greater control and flexibility. Although CureMD recommends signing up for an individual cloud, which eliminates the need of on-site hardware maintenance and IT staff. It also ensures SMART cloud subscription for round-the-clock access, hassle-free maintenance, free upgrades and disaster recovery.

CureMD application framework is available for enterprise installations with custom content and reusable source code library to provide unprecedented flexibility, customization and integration opportunities.

Whichever CureMD solution you choose (On Demand, On Premise or Enterprise), you get the entire platform of integrated features, free upgrades and dedicated support.

Do you plan to scan in paper files?

Scanning is a costly process that can require higher bandwidth and additional storage. It is far less useful than having discrete information in the database. You have the option of scanning existing paper charts and attaching it to the individual patient record. Scanning can easily be processed by your office staff.

Can CureMD connect with hospitals, labs, radiology centers, and digital devices?

CureMD is connected with hundreds of hospitals, labs and radiology centers. Many digital devices are also connected with CureMD. Please request your implementation specialist for a fresh connectivity catalog.

Click here to view a list of all labs we interface with.

What digital devices are compatible with CureMD?

CureMD works with the following devices:

How will the CureMD system set up different schedules?

Scheduling module can be used to design virtually any type of schedule. A schedule can be created for any time period of the day, any number of booking slots, and any set of visit reasons.

Who would actually take care of these schedules?

Schedules are set up for the providers during the implementation process. In case a modification or addition is required, please call the support helpline or submit a support ticket.