In accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes, The Department of Corrections Administrative Code, the Federal PREA Law, the mission of the Oneida County Jail is to safely and securely confine individuals in the least restrictive environment consistent with behavior, adjustment, special needs and severity of charges. The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office has a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse, misconduct, and harassment. All incidents of this nature shall be investigated ensuring the rights of all individuals are protected.
Personal correspondence for inmates is accepted if correspondence is received with a full name and return address. Any questions can be directed to the Oneida County Jail Captain.
All funds received via mail for deposit into an inmate’s account must be addressed to the Finance Technician. Personal correspondence for the inmate may not accompany the funds. Funds can be deposited to an inmate’s account by utilizing or via mail addressed to:
Oneida County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Finance Technician
2000 East Winnebago Street
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Jail Information & Services
View our Rules of the Jail for information on Property, Bail/Bond, Jail Processing Fees, Mail Procedures, Messages, Inmate Telephone, Money, Volunteers, Commissary/Canteen, Health Services, and Pay for Stay:
The Oneida County Jail is a 200 bed, state of the art facility that was completed in July, 1999. The “pod” design allows staff to visually observe the inmate population 24 hours per day. This design, combined with highly trained and qualified staff, creates an environment that minimizes serious incidents and maximizes the safety and well-being of the inmate population.
In addition to housing our own inmates, the Oneida County Jail houses approximately fifty inmates from the Wisconsin Prison System. This relationship with the State not only relieves overcrowding in State facilities, but generates additional revenue to help minimize the operational costs of the facility paid through local tax dollars.Given the size of our facility, our Jail Staff receives many inquiries from the public regarding inmate visitation, telephone use, Huber Law/Work Release rules, etc. To make much of this information more accessible to the public, we have placed information on this website to answer some of the most common questions. If you have questions about inmate rules and procedures, please check the links on the right side of this page for answers. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us at 715-361-5180.
Mark A. Neuman, Jail Administrator