Frequently Asked questions

This section contains frequently asked questions and information about hospice care and services. Often there are many questions regarding hospice services, how to access them, and what to expect from a hospice agency. Whether you are a patient or family member, we hope that you will find this information helpful.

Admission Criteria

Hospice Qualifications

How Does Hospice Care Work

Typically a family member serves as the primary caregiver and, when appropriate, helps make decisions for the terminally ill individual. Members of the hospice staff make regular visits to assess the patient and provide additional care or other services. Hospice staff is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The hospice team develops a care plan that meets each patient’s individual needs for pain management and symptom control. The team usually consists of:

Speech, physical, and occupational therapists if needed.

How to Choose a Hospice

There are many hospices to choose from in the State of Oklahoma. Most hospices are individually owned, and not all hospices provide exactly the same services. Hospices are required by law to provide basic services, but how these services are provided and whether additional services are provided varies with each hospice. We suggest you interview several hospices before selecting one. Although your physician may suggest a particular hospice, you are free to choose whatever hospice you wish. If you or your loved one is a resident of a nursing home, you may be limited in your choice of hospices by the nursing facility. By law, the facilities are allowed to do this.

The Oklahoma Hospice & Palliative Care Association cannot recommend a particular hospice.

Services Provided

What bereavement services does the hospice offer and for how long? Are these services provided by the hospice or contracted out to another organization? Which family members and friends are included in the bereavement support? Does the hospice sponsor a support group of some kind?


To File a Complaint

Call the Oklahoma State Department of Health, 1-800-234-7258