This revised 2012 edition serves as the exam preparation study packet for pilots aiming for certification and licensure to apply pesticides in Florida via aircraft. It encompasses information on laws and regulations, application equipment features and calibration procedures, pesticide measurement systems, spray mix preparation, target site area determinations, spray drift management, pesticides and human health, and field operation procedures. The book includes detailed examples of pertinent calculations and is now in its 3rd Edition. Reprinted in March 2021.
Regular Price: $28.00 Bulk Regular Price: $28.00This is the exam preparation and general reference manual for commercial or public applicators seeking certification and licensure to apply restricted-use pesticides to agricultural animals in Florida. The booklet contains information about livestock and poultry pests, pesticide application precautions, pesticide tolerances, and application procedures for livestock and poultry. 2nd Edition - Copyright 2009. 62 pp.
Revised for 2019, this edition serves as the comprehensive exam preparation guide for commercial and public applicators pursuing certification and licensure to apply restricted-use pesticides specifically tailored to agricultural row crops. Inside, you'll find valuable insights on insects, weeds, plant diseases, nematodes, application procedures, calibration of application equipment, and a detailed understanding of pesticide labels.
Regular Price: $28.00 Bulk Regular Price: $28.002016 edition!
This is the exam preparation and general reference manual for commercial or public applicators seeking certification and licensure to apply restricted-use pesticides on agricultural tree crop sites in Florida. Information in the book includes the management of insects and mites, vertebrates, weeds, plant diseases; the Worker Protection Standard; pesticide application equipment features, use and care; equipment calibration; spray mix preparation; target site area determinations. It includes detailed examples of pertinent calculations, a glossary, and spans 124 pages.
This study guide is for the 2016 Agricultural Tree Crop Pest Control category exam.
This comprehensive training manual serves as the go-to resource for commercial and public pesticide applicators preparing for the certification and licensure exam in the Organotin Antifouling Paint category, as outlined in Chapter 5E-9.024 of the Florida Administrative Code. Presented in black and white, and conveniently spiral-bound for easy navigation and study.
Regular Price: $21.00 Bulk Regular Price: $21.00Este manual está diseñado para aquellos aplicadores de pesticidas que buscan prepararse y obtener certificación y licencia para el control de plagas, siguiendo las disposiciones de la Ley de Pesticidas de Florida y sus reglamentos. La información presentada en este manual proporciona los conocimientos esenciales necesarios para estar completamente preparado para el examen de Estándares de Certificación General (Básicas).
Revised for 2015! This is the fundamental resource for the General Standards (Core) examination for pesticide applicators seeking certification and licensing to apply pesticides in Florida. Newly reprinted for 2015, this publication contains chapters on the law and pesticide application, principles of pesticides and pest control, understanding pesticide labeling, pesticide formulations, pesticides and the environment, harmful effects of pesticides and emergency response, personal protective equipment, transportation, storage, security, and disposal of pesticide wastes, and pesticide application procedures. English. Copyright 2014. 176 pp.
Regular Price: $33.00 Bulk Regular Price: $33.00Newly revised 2nd edition. This serves as the exam preparation and general reference manual for commercial or public applicators seeking certification and licensure to apply pesticides for aquatic plant control in Florida. The book includes information on the history of aquatic plant management in Florida; rules and regulations governing aquatic plant management; herbicide technology; adjuvants in aquatic plant management; equipment selection and methods of application; nonherbicide control methods; environmental and public health considerations; and aquatic plant identification. Copyright 2014. 154 pp.
This booklet contains a complete set of pesticide mixing/loading facility building plan drawings. It also provides specific guidance on many topics related to pesticide mixing/loading facilities. Topics discussed include mix/load pad weather protection, pad surface and sump management techniques, facility workspace considerations, safety equipment, floor coatings, special hazard areas, emergency response actions, and spill clean-up techniques. Reviewed by Florida's regulatory personnel and others familiar with pesticide storage issues. 45 pp.
Regular Price: $6.00 Bulk Regular Price: $6.00This booklet contains a full set of pesticide storage facility building plan drawings. It also provides specific guidance on many topics related to pesticide storage facilities. Topics discussed include ventilation, shelving materials and designs, facility aisle space considerations, safety equipment, spill containment measures, floor coatings, emergency response actions, and spill cleanup techniques. Reviewed by Florida's regulatory personnel and others familiar with pesticide storage issues. 52 pp.
Regular Price: $6.00 Bulk Regular Price: $6.00Este manual está dirigido a aplicadores privados de pesticidas que deseen obtener su certificación como aplicadores de pesticidas de uso restringido para el control de plagas en la producción agrícola, según las disposiciones de la Ley de Pesticidas de Florida (Capítulo 487 de los Estatutos de Florida) y sus normativas (Capítulos 5E-2 y 5E-9 del Código Administrativo de Florida). Debe usarse en conjunto con el manual de capacitación "básico" titulado "Aplicación Correcta de Pesticidas: Guía para Aplicadores Privados y Comerciales, SM-1".