Service Time

Service time is defined as years of service employed while holding certification that can be used towards higher levels of and instructor certification.

If your FIDO account reflects employment with a regulated entity, and you hold certification, you are earning service time. Service time becomes important as some certifications have a service time requirement.

If you have firefighting experience prior to holding TCFP certification or prior to employment with a regulated entity in the state of Texas, you may be granted equivalent service time if the appropriate documentation is submitted.

To be granted service time, Form 16: Affidavit (PDF). and ALL required supporting documentation must be uploaded to your FIDO account on the Submissions page, Service Time Affidavits button for review and approval.

Please note:


If you were a firefighter in another state, the following is required:


If you were a firefighter in the military and have DoD IFSAC seals, the following is required:

Volunteer while holding an active TCFP certification

If you were/are a volunteer firefighter, the following is required:

Volunteer prior to holding TCFP certification

If you were/are a volunteer firefighter with SFFMA certification prior to holding a TCFP certification, the following is required:

Instructor (ONLY)

If you were/are a volunteer firefighter and want to document time to qualify for Instructor certification ONLY, the following is required:

US Postal Service:
Texas Commission on Fire Protection
PO Box 2286,
Austin, TX 78768-2286

UPS, FEDEX, and other shipping services:
Texas Commission on Fire Protection
4800 N Lamar Blvd., Suite 370
Austin, TX 78756

Main Phone Number:


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